Here are some pictures of My home, my castle exhibition,during Dec. 2 weekend curated by Susana Panea at his own home.
Some works were almost impossible to document, but I hope to give you an approximate idea ...
Aquí tenéis unas imágenes de las intervenciones que se pudieron ver el pasado 2 de diciembre durante todo el fin de semana en la exposición colectiva My home, my castle organizada por la comisaría Susana Panea en su propio hogar.
Algunas obras eran casi imposible de documentar, pero espero que os hagáis una idea aproximada...
A house, a house, a house, an intervention made together with Elena García Jimenez. Below is the explained work.
A house, a house, a house intervención que realicé junto a Elena García Jimenez. A continuación el texto explicativo de la obra en la exposición (solo en ingles).
A house environment is projected inside of it. The landscape images are mixed with architectural elements of domestic space. The exterior and interior merge into one.
This first installation was recorder, with the name “En cualquier otro lugar” (“Elsewhere”) is now projected back into another space, this house, adding to the distortions of the first showing the qualities of this new space distorting the image again. The different layers mixed in the real space gives the illusion of a changing space.
This intervention will be recorded again to be projected into another space in the future as part of a work in progress until be dematerialized.
Switch on home, second work carried out jointly with Elena Garcia Jimenez.
Switch on home, segunda intervención realizada conjuntamente con Elena García Jiménez.
A video-loop shows a person route from the portal to a living room with a television that switch on with the same images with the person opening the door of the portal again. The route was recorded in the intervened apartament and the video broadcast on the same television that appeared in the images.
Un video en bucle muestra incesantemente el recorrido que hace una persona desde el portal de la casa hasta el salón, frente al televisor que, al encenderse, mostraba nuevamente las imágenes de la persona abriendo la puerta del portal. El recorrido correspondía al de la casa intervenida y el video se emitía en la misma televisión que aparecía en la imágenes.
From here, the wonderful works of other artists in the exhibition.
A partir de aquí, las maravillosas obras de los otros artistas en la exposición.